Condiciones y Transformaciones Culturales, FactoresEconómicos y Tendencias Demográficas en Latinoamerica ISBN: 978-85-62016-11-0 (Editora ALAP)
Panel: N. 01 - Salón 1930 |
Fecha: 19/11/2010 (Viernes)
Horario: 10:00-13:00 |
PA.01 - Early childhood environments, human capital formation and long term economic growth | |||||||
Moderación: Alberto Palloni, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison Comentarista: Samuel Preston (Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, USA) |
1. | Early Child Development Programs in Developing Economies: Do they make a difference? | ||||||
Urzua, Sergio (Department of Economics, Northwestern University, USA) | |||||||
2. | Impacts of Early-Life Nutrition into Adulthood and Across Generations: Recent Evidence from the INCAP Guatemalan Nutritional Intervention | ||||||
Berhman, Jere (Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, USA) | |||||||
3. | The roles of early childhood health, years of schooling, cognitive skills and non-cognitive skills on the wages of young adults in China | ||||||
Glewwe, Paul (Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, USA) | |||||||
4. | Estimating the gender and generational effects of family planning and health interventions: Learning from a quasi social experiment in Bangladesh | ||||||
Schultz, T. Paul (Department of Economics, Yale University, USA) | |||||||
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