Condiciones y Transformaciones Culturales, FactoresEconómicos y Tendencias Demográficas en Latinoamerica ISBN: 978-85-62016-11-0 (Editora ALAP)

 Panel:  N. 01 - Salón 1930
Fecha: 19/11/2010 (Viernes)
Horario: 10:00-13:00
PA.01 - Early childhood environments, human capital formation and long term economic growth
Moderación: Alberto Palloni, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Comentarista: Samuel Preston (Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, USA)
1.  Early Child Development Programs in Developing Economies: Do they make a difference?
Urzua, Sergio (Department of Economics, Northwestern University, USA)
2.  Impacts of Early-Life Nutrition into Adulthood and Across Generations: Recent Evidence from the INCAP Guatemalan Nutritional Intervention
Berhman, Jere (Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, USA)
3.  The roles of early childhood health, years of schooling, cognitive skills and non-cognitive skills on the wages of young adults in China
Glewwe, Paul (Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, USA)
4.  Estimating the gender and generational effects of family planning and health interventions: Learning from a quasi social experiment in Bangladesh
Schultz, T. Paul (Department of Economics, Yale University, USA)

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